DMV says you need an assessment to get your driver's license reinstated? We are able to complete the assessment and based on the information gathered, there will be education/treatment recommended based on state regulations. We will submit your e508 form once completed. The e508 form cannot be submitted without a conviction date. The court’s average time to disposition for this type of criminal charge is 2 years.
DWI Assessments $100
NC driving record-$13.75
Copy of citation
Substance Use Assessment
DMV Substance Abuse Evaluations $100
NC driving record-$13.75
Copy of citation
Substance Use Assessment
Alcohol and Drug Education Training School (ADETS) course (Prime for Life) $160 plus $25 workbook
First DWI conviction
Did not refuse BAC test and BAC less than 0.14
No SUD diagnosis determined by Substance Use Assessment
16 hour course
Short or Longer Term, SAIOP, and inpatient treatment
More than one DWI conviction
Refused BAC test or BAC more than 0.14
SUD diagnosis and ASAM level of care as determined by Substance Use Assessment
Out of State Reviews and Telehealth available